Monday, 27 February 2017


Forty NHGS students are cycling Coast 2 Coast to raise money to buy equipment and furnish the new sports.  The ride will take place from the 9th July 2017 - 14th July 2017.
Last year a group of 28 students rode from Morecambe to Bridlington and with your generous donations we managed to raise over £11500.

This year they are doing a different route which takes them further from home.  They are to ride the 150 miles from St Bee's to Tynemouth.  To add to the challenge, the students will be self-sufficient and will carry their own gear and cook their own food on single burner gas stoves.

The route takes them through the Lake District and they will encounter some big long hills.  With a bike fully loaded with sleeping, cooking and clothes they will find this trip tough.  The students will need to show determination, grit and resilience to succeed.
Please show your support and make a donation to spur them on.  The money will go into the new sports hall fund and will provide an amazing environment for the students to learn about health and fitness and play sport.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Family Cycle Club Update


Due to that orrible weekend it seems a while since our last Family Ride out.  Just a reminder that our next ride is on the 26th Feb.  Starting at the White House pub at 1400.  The ride is about 4 miles all off road so no cars to worry about.  Below is a map of the starting point.  Below that part of the route as the google wont plot the whole thing as the footpath back is not map-able, but basically it just cuts right across back to the start for a pint.  Hope to see ya'll there.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

White House Ride Family Club


The ride this weekend on Sunday the 12th of February at 2pm, is going from the White House Pub at the top of Cragg Lane.  We are having a gentle saunter around the little rough tracks.  You can see the meeting place below.

The map below shows half the route so it will end up being about 3 miles in total as there is a path that cuts across, but google maps did not let me plot it.

The weather is meant to be a bit chilly so make sure you wrap up well.  Hopefully we can get a warming drink at the end in the pub.

Just one for your diary: The Family Cycle Club meeting on the 26th Feb will be going from the same place at 1400.  I will of just got back from the school ski trip the night before so I won't have a lot of time before then to plan a different route and I know up there like the back of my hand.

So hopefully see you there at 1400 :)