Sunday, 1 January 2017

FCC (Family Cycle Club) 1st Ride

Umm I was awake in the early hours of this morning to the sound of wind and rain bashing down.  I thought this is not going to be a good start to the FCC first ride.  But I know you cannot wait for the weather to be nice in this country or you would stay locked up most of the time.

We had to get up early to drop one of Eva's friends off that had a slept over.  So by the time we got up to Craggies our feet and hands were already numb!

We got the bikes ready and awaited the Duffy clan.  They arrived with little Minnie and Alfie.  The youngest of our riders being pulled along in a WeeHoo trailer and if you have not seen a WeeHoo they are amazing if you have kids too young to cycle a distance.  They can handle proper rough stuff and single track because they only have the one wheel.  Have a look on this link.

Alfie was performing tricks whilst Minnie was getting covered in layers before she got settled in her chariot.

We got our stuff together and set off in the head wind and rain.  We were determined to make this club a success so we had smiles on our faces.  As we rode along with only the one car to bother us the whole ride we talked about our Christmas and how we could develop the club.  Eva my little stoker on my tandem kept the wheels turning and I felt like I did not have to do a thing.  Good job Eva!  Alfie did a good job on his bike getting up the hills without gears and appreciated the downhills even more.

We did 4.5 miles which is long enough in this weather when you young ones with you that are not pedalling.  But you know what? we were out, in nature, with the family which is what it is all about.

We got back to the van and Rachael had done a beautiful thing by packing flasks of tea, cake, mince pies.  Once we got back to the warmth of a beautiful real fire we had coffee and little shot of celebratory Port.

Thank you to Ryan, Kate, Alfie, Minnie, Rachael and Eva.

The next meeting is 15th Jan at a beautiful location in the Landendale Trail Forest. Please check the route and event details on our Stava Page: and click to state if you are attending and also look at our club website on

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